Recently Added Images

Buildings and Architectural Details from Around the World

Details & Objects
Images of Those Things We Might Not Always Notice.

Landscapes and Nature
Nature Settings and Plant Life

Around Europe
England, Scotland, Italy, Portugal, Spain

Images from Across Denmark 2013

Canada - Atlantic Provinces

Images from 1996 and 2017

From Close-Up Details to Images from the Air

Rockets & Space
Saturn V to the Space Shuttle

The Repair Shop - Hoopers
A Family Owned Automotive Rear End Shop Start in the mid 1970's

Old Woodworking School
School which teaches woodworking, blacksmithing and printing using hand power equipment.

Hardware & Millwork Store
Hardware and Millwork Store that has been in business since the mid 1950's or earlier.

China Metal Factory
A 30 Minute Tour thru a Metal Fabrication Factory

China Street Photography
Between 2014 and 2018 I made multiple trips to Shanghai and Xiamen China. These images are of some of the people and activities I saw while exploring those two cities.